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Develop Language at Home

Ideas to Foster Language

  • Read, read, read

  • While reading ask questions about characters, make predictions, talk about the setting, practice retelling the story afterwards

  • Repeat what child says and expand on it (i.e. child - "want juice", adult - "I want juice" or "Want apple juice")

  • Sing simple songs and recite nursery rhymes to show the rhythm and pattern of speech

  • Ask questions that require a choice or open-ended response rather than yes/no questions (i.e. "Do you want grapes or apple?" or "What do you want for snack?")

  • Reduce screen time. Try setting a timer.

Articles on the impact of screen time and ways to find a healthy balance


  • Go grocery shopping together. Talk about categories. Play iSpy to find grocery items.

  • Follow directions while setting table.

  • Use spatial concepts (i.e. Jack is sitting beside Bob or potatoes are between salad and meat).

Bath Time

  • Sing songs.

  • Use bath time action words (i.e. wash, scrub, rinse, clean, dry, etc.).

  • Trace letters in soap.

  • Play with bath toys while practicing basic concepts (i.e. duck is behind you or duck is under the faucet)

Morning Routine

Bed Time

  • Read bedtime story.

  • Retell events in story.

  • Try wordless picture book or have child make up the story from the pictures not words.

  • Practice speech sounds in mirror before bed.


  • Go grocery shopping together. Talk about categories. Play iSpy to find grocery items.

  • Follow directions while setting table.

  • Use spatial concepts (i.e. Jack is sitting beside Bob or potatoes are between salad and meat).

  • Talk about events of the day and future events.

  • Follow multi-step directions (i.e. brush teeth, eat breakfast, get backpack).

  • Label clothing items and describe (i.e. color, soft, warm/cool, thick/thin, big/little)

  • Name body parts.

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