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Develop Language at Home
Ideas to Foster Language
Read, read, read
While reading ask questions about characters, make predictions, talk about the setting, practice retelling the story afterwards
Repeat what child says and expand on it (i.e. child - "want juice", adult - "I want juice" or "Want apple juice")
Sing simple songs and recite nursery rhymes to show the rhythm and pattern of speech
Ask questions that require a choice or open-ended response rather than yes/no questions (i.e. "Do you want grapes or apple?" or "What do you want for snack?")
Reduce screen time. Try setting a timer.
Go grocery shopping together. Talk about categories. Play iSpy to find grocery items.
Follow directions while setting table.
Use spatial concepts (i.e. Jack is sitting beside Bob or potatoes are between salad and meat).
Bath Time
Sing songs.
Use bath time action words (i.e. wash, scrub, rinse, clean, dry, etc.).
Trace letters in soap.
Play with bath toys while practicing basic concepts (i.e. duck is behind you or duck is under the faucet)
Morning Routine
Bed Time
Read bedtime story.
Retell events in story.
Try wordless picture book or have child make up the story from the pictures not words.
Practice speech sounds in mirror before bed.
Go grocery shopping together. Talk about categories. Play iSpy to find grocery items.
Follow directions while setting table.
Use spatial concepts (i.e. Jack is sitting beside Bob or potatoes are between salad and meat).
Talk about events of the day and future events.
Follow multi-step directions (i.e. brush teeth, eat breakfast, get backpack).
Label clothing items and describe (i.e. color, soft, warm/cool, thick/thin, big/little)
Name body parts.
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